Thursday, September 14, 2006

A renewed beginning

I'm in a very unusual semester and am just now getting into a comfortable routine. While a number classes interested me this semester, like Surfaces and Colloids or Soil Organic Matter, my adviser and I thought it best if I spent my time focusing on research. My obligations to the school are two research and to assist in teaching an upperdivision class in my department. TAing isn't too difficult and provides me the opportunity to lecture. For instance, the professor is out of town for two weeks and I'm lecturing in his absence. I'm stepping up my commitment to research and speeding up my timetable a little bit.

I've also sheered back my commitments to extracirricular activities. Yes, I've decided to race in some Mountain Bike races, but this is a weekend activity that incorporates spending time with friends. Seeing the PCA church plant off the ground is something very important to me. God has been and continues to be with the church, blessing those involved, the unchurched community, and the rest of the local churches through this ministry.

Thirdly, my semester is purposefully marked with spending time with my friends. It's true that my friends help me enjoy and see God. Likewise, they're in need of the same thing - mainly, joy and peace. Together as friends, bonded by the Spirit, I hope that we'll be encouraged to bring in the foriegner - those that don't know blessings of being in communion with one another through Christ.

I guess you could say that the semester is marked by mission: Mainly, what it means to see God work through my talents as an academic and teacher; how the local church is a vessel of unity and healing (personal and community) to the glory of God; and finally, the role of close, personal fellowship in the Covenant community as a means of knowing and sharing Jesus.

Let us press on to know Him.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Kristen Marie said...

thanks for this post...i've really needed encouragement to see purpose at school and its so exciting to see you develop such purpose at IL. are you free tomorrow night? i was gonna try to call ya and see if we can set up the missions conference...and just to catch up! lemme know
keep well in christ,

At 7:38 PM, Blogger H said...

Hey Paulie!

Don't rush out and read that book. I'm about halfway through it and have concluded that the best thing about it is its title.

I'm jealous of your library, though. What a fantastic resource!

Mrs. H.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

paul bedore. are you still traveling to chicago?

At 8:34 PM, Blogger PB&K said...

Yeah, the Da Vinci Code isn't all its cracked up to be either. I was hoping for waaay more heresy.

KLO - I am still going to Chicago on a regular basis. In fact, I spent all of today in the city, and thought of you on a number of occasions. I've added a couple of extra researchy-type things to my trip, so I don't have as much free time while I'm up there.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean: "time with my friends"?

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KLO: Don't you work near where I live? Even if pb&j can't visit, I can.


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