Saturday, August 19, 2006

The dregs of my alternate life

Here are a couple of more pics and commentary that may interest my reading audience.

When I was in High School (probably around '00/'01) a few friends and I would look for abnormal places to investigate at night. Once such place was an old stone house ten miles South of Topeka. It was supposedly "haunted". Once entered from the basement, flashlights revealed a mass of graffiti on the stone walls. The wooded property also showed remains of other, older stone buildings. A narrow trail would around the property, back into the woods. We never encountered any spooks or haunts; either way, it was a good a time - especially when we were able to freak out friends that were new to the "haunted" house.

I think Chris T. was taking the pics. The bottom pic is of myself, Carli, Tozer, and Aradan.


At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look so darn cute as an 18 year old. I especially that I can inspect how clean you kept every one of those pearly whites. Excellent brushing job.
- Anonymous blog reader and dental hygiene enthusiast

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hummmmm... interesting. I never knew about these wild escapades! YOU'RE GROUNDED!!!!!


At 9:27 PM, Blogger PB&K said...

Wild? It's not like we were taming lions.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger JadeEJF said...

Cool! There are some neat abandoned houses in the area that I, too, am curious about... too bad I don't have a cool group of friends to go exploring with anymore :/


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