Monday, September 04, 2006

Coming out party.

The invitation read:

"New, used, and abused grad students,

You are invited to Dan and Paul's Apartment Tuesday evening for the second of the general welcome parties. Your hosts, Dan and I, have been labeled the "danimal" and a "self proclaimed adonis", respectively...

We invite you to bring a token or object from your closet, something with a story, that you can show-and-tell with the rest of the bunch. For example, I have a pink Care Bear backpack that I wore around during my senior year of undergrad. It has a story and is cute. Your object may or may not be cute, but bring it and surprise us.

On a more serious note, this is a great opportunity to continue getting to know each other. We hope and pray that the Spirit would lead us to deepen our friendships; and above all, that Christ would be glorified in our fellowship."
~pb (28 Aug 2006)

Dan and I herald the message and the grad students came. The co-sponsors arrived first, bringing with them munchies and drinks (thanks Josh, Austin and Michael). Many grad students, old and new, made it out to our humble apartment in order to celebrate the will of God in keeping us in academics, and new and renewed friendships. The stories about our closet crap were priceless. I only wish I could recount them all. I'll do my best:

Josh B. once participated in the largest annual cross country race in the nation. Along with the rest of the runners, he dawned an interesting article of clothing. In his case, the pink bucket-cap actually compliments his smile.

While in Nigeria, Michael became acquainted with a local brewery called More Beer. He visited the establishment and used his whiteness to get free paraphernalia. Evidentially, not too many Dutch, white guys are seen in those parts; so, it's a big deal when one comes knocking on the gate, wanting free t-shirts and hats.

Brittany is an affinity for stealing precious, silica minerals from West-coast beaches. This vet/surfer girl took this sand from the beach just before taking off for plains of IL.

Heidi showcased her nut-in-a-jewelry-box. An older, close family friend knelt down as if to propose to her. While an engagement ring was way out of the question, the anticipation was too much. The plastic nut was to help her remember to never take herself too seriously. Great story.

Austin of Lockslee showcased his sword and even gave a live demonstration of his sword wielding skills. Michael tossed an apple up into the night air and in one swipe Austin had successfully severed the fruit in two pieces. Don't line up too soon, ladies, because this Lancelot is engaged!

Kindel wore these waffle-stompers to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest summit in Africa. While at the top, her party played nine-holes of golf ( italicized part added for emphasis). In all actuality, they did hit golf balls off the peak.

"F" - for Fluorine. This notebook tells the whole story. Nina lit to chemistry at a young age and like most chemists she kept a handy dandy notebook. Her high school chemistry memoirs recount her first encounter with "The Mole" and electronegativity.

Danimal shared a home-made, pastel pillow that Sara S. (his g/f) mailed to him from TX. I think After starting the knit-job, she realized a whole sweater made out of that yarn would look like pretty barf. So, she annealed it into a pillow and sent it Dan, who named it "Squarie".

It's quite the inconvenience to roll and unroll my jeans every time I want to commute on my bicycle to school (rolling the jeans up keeps my sprockets and back wheel from eating up my pant legs). So, I bought some man-pris from Kohl's young women's department. While they're comfortable and will fix my problem, I haven't had the guts to wear them in public. Yeah, the European and Asians do it, but this is 'Merica. Here's the first public appearance of yours truly in capris.

More pics are available at my PhotoBucket (link at the right).

**On a sad note, Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, died yesterday. He was pierced through the heart by the barb of a very large sting ray. I really enjoyed his shows and appreciated his support of conservation. Pray for his family and fans during this time.


At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I might have failed chemistry but I can recognize that your initials have chemical properties:
Pb; atomic weight:. 207.19; atomic number:. 82; specific gravity:. 11.34 at 20°C.

Hopefully, it doesn't mean you're as metaphorically dense as lead or often found combined as a sulfide.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger PB&K said...

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At 3:12 PM, Blogger PB&K said...

Actually I do enjoy a little sulfide, especially as it stabilizes many of my bodily protiens.

Forgive me, Nina, for writing inappropriate messages about your relationship with chemistry.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a professor of women's studies who said that we know patriarchy hasn't gone away when women can wear men's clothes but men will never wear women's clothes. I wonder what the relationship is between patriarchy and the social prohibition of heterosexual men to wear capris, skirts, and dresses, and do all other kinds of things that put their own bodies on display. Once again, women's showcase of their own bodies is normalized within our (secular) culture, for women's bodies are expected to be consumed for men's pleasure. We don't think of men's bodily display the same way, nor of men's bodies as fit to be consumed for women's pleasure. Would the Apostle Paul consider patriarchy a bad thing? What do others think: Is our present value system on gendered clothing standards in accordance with the exhortations of the Apostle Paul in writing to the early church?

At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true: I am not good at chemistry.

I did fail hs chem and it's no secret. So, pb, you don't have to apologize or change your blog for me. Did you read that science notebook? It would probably make you wince! I'm much better at working with kips, moments, slump tests, misusing power tools, hiking up mountains, and setting things on fire.

If I were a guy, I would shave my legs and try a spandex Utilikilt for biking. For now, I'll just bike like a girl in spandex & polyester. 100 miles to go...

Is patriarchy and its relation to wardrobe prohibitions related to the historical cycle of male effeminatism? Perhaps we're in between eras where the metro finds a socially acceptable spot between the tenuous balance of patriarchy and social allowance.

Men can display when they wear those jeans that accentuate bootylisciousness (a technical term) and tight shirts. Just walking around in Chicago this morning showed how normal this can be. But what is even more attractive is someone who really loves me beyond appearances.

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute? no, man-pris are HOT! ;-)


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