Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Pope and Islam

I've been apologetic toward Pope Benedict XVI since his speech last Tuesday at Regensburg University. This is not because of any anti-Islamic vein within, but because he and I are both sinners redeembed by the blood of Jesus. He is in a very difficult position as spiritual leader for the Catholic world. And as Derek Webb says, Jesus and the Gospel are not safe to preach.

If you have the time, I'd encourage you to read Pastor John Pipers wisdom-filled response to Pope's speech: How Christians Should Respond to Muslim Outrage at the Pope's Regensburg Message About Violence and Reason

Oh, and Webb also said "there's no point in having a platform to stand on if you're not standing on it saying things that are probably going to get you knocked off of it."


At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pb. saw a bu mper sticker today that almost made me SCREAM out your name. almost. i think.


At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You listen to Derek Webb? I thought no one had heard of him... He's awesome!

Oh, and responding to another blog entry questioning the positions of Christianity relative to addressing humanitarian and environmental issues: I say Yes, we should be involved in that. Not because we have a "social Gospel" in which we do good only for the opportunity to press Jesus on people, but because we, as God's creation, are called to respond in love to Christ's love which was first and foremost given to us, even in our depravity. In our response to Christ's love, we will nurture that which lies within His affection: namely, His creation. Fortunately this includes our own personal relationship and calling, building/encouraging/fellowhipping with fellow believers, being Christ's ambassadors to those in darkness, addressing the physical depravation of humanity, and fostering the environment which displays God's infinite creativity and ability. Let me back up one step: When I said that responding to Christ includes "being Christ's ambassadors to those in darkness" I was not necessarily referring to evangalism or preaching, but rather developing a relational ministry. As much as Christ preached and evangalized, before that He loved. So when I said that I was referring to those times we devote to simply being friends with those who don't know Christ, trusting that His Spirit is alive and well and will present ready and frequeny opportunities to share our First Love with those who we also love on this earth.

Oh, so you know: I am Kaben Kramer, Kindel's brother. She gave me a link to your blog spot, I'm not a stalker. :) Congrats, also. I'm proud of you guys.

In Him,


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