Monday, October 10, 2005


So I attended a Minnesotan Potluck dinner on Saturday. Nina, my Bible study leader, has this awesome Luthern/Minnesotan cookbook and in honor of the Spam state, we had ourselves a little bit of a feast. I brought Dolly's Minnesotan Chili, which was bound to be a hit. A supplemented Red Pepper with Thai seasoning, which made all the difference! Native Minnesotan salad was also on the menu. For those that don't know, 'salad' refers to a jello based dish that can contain vegies, fruit and/or tater tots. Wild rice soup, rusk, and tater tot casserole were also available. Overall, the food was not too bad! (This is a Minnesotan compliment).

I encourage you to have your own themed potluck. Maybe monochromatic, dried-fruit, or canned fish could be some interesting themes.

Here's a couple of pics from that evening...

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I also want to quote Kristen's blog from her latest post. Oh, I am so encouraged by her spirit! Praise God! Here it is...

"so, do i know "rough"? i'm gonna hafta go with "no". a big, fat NO. because this week, instead of Hell, GOD gave me this (a rough week by modern, American standards). i believe "incredibly blessed" may be the better term." ~Kristen H.

I added the emphasis for contextual purposes. Truth without context is death (Derek Webb)! The link to her blog is at the left. I encourage you to read and enjoy!


At 10:25 PM, Blogger H said...

Okay, I have to correct your dialect. I married a Minnesotan, and after 13 years I am nearly fluent. You did not eat a tater tor "casserole." You ate a Tater tot "Hot Dish."

Remember the phrase "hot dish" and you will not embarrass yourself at the next potluck.

Hot dish and salad (Jello, to the rest of the world) is often served next to "barbeque." I grew up out west, where barbeque involves meat and a grill. In Minnesota, barbeque is spooned out of a crock pot, placed on a bun, and frequently runs down your arm when you eat it. Minnesotan babreques are "sloppy joes" to the rest of the US.

Glad you had fun!

Hillary :)

At 9:44 AM, Blogger PB&K said...

Yes, you're right about the hot dish! My mom makes a casserole, so the name had impressed upon me. Minnesota is fun! Maybe you can sponser something new, Hillary?

At 11:55 AM, Blogger H said...

Sponsor something new? What do you mean? Do you mean, host a Minnesotan dinner of my own? Hmmm... I hadn't ever thought of doing that *on purpose*. :)

Your evening sure sounds fun! We had dinners like that in college once in awhile. We called them "creative dates", though there wasn't any dating going on. Just an excuse to get together and have fun with everyone. :)

If you need a new recipe to take to your next Minnesotan dinner, let me know. I've got 'em: hot dish, scalloped corn, barbeque, tacos (mispronounced) and quesadillas (pronounced "kay-suh- DIL-Luhs"), open-faced ham sandwiches, etc. just to start.

Quite the good deal! Well, maybe not a good deal, but certainly not a bad one! :)

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are scary pitures for mom to see.

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean... pictures.


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