Friday, October 28, 2005

KC and Kristen are rubbing off

It's a good day! Upon waking this morning I was overwhelmed with thinking about the suffering of Christ. My thoughts went to his ministry leading up to the cross. He decided with the father that suffering was the way in which His grace would be fully glorified. Residing in "unapproachable" light with the Father, Jesus was quite rich. He made himself, poor, though and spent his life earth looking forward to a horrible death. He must have had such a sure sense of the Father's presence. Day after day was spent showing a hopeless generation that the way to the kingdom of God is following the Son of God to the cross. In our prayer time at the house this morning we all seemed to be grasping this. Please pray for the four of us (roommates at 312 E. Clark) that we may know what it means to be godly, because we just don't fully understand. Paul says "all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." I, we, want to know what Paul means by "godly".It's something beyond solely going to church on Sunday, reading my Bible, praying, connecting with people at small group, not getting drunk, etc. - good things, but they don't adequately define godliness.

This week/day has been great...

I'm having a bunch of friends over to my house tonight for bbq. I was blessed by my stepmother who sent me a wonderful recipe for potatoes. I plan on making that this afternoon. I also picked up my basketball tickets today: our group will sit on the third teir, in the corner, near the top. Hopefully the basketball team doesn't suck like our football team, or we're gonna have to bring monopoly to keep us busy. My stats test on Thursday was "vanilla" or "cake", as Dr. Riveland would say. I'm gearing up for a hydrology test this coming week. Lab work has kept me a little more busy, lately. I've been preping my samples to run an NMR analysis on them. I met with an academic-professional this week to get a protocol ready for me to run all of my samples next friday. I'm hoping that these turn out well and encourage my advisor to turn this into my thesis work.

Also, Grandma's peanut butter cookies have been a great treat this week! Thanks grandma, I love you! I love you, too, grandpa!


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great webpage. God bless!


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