Monday, October 24, 2005

Meddling in Antiquity

Tonight Ivan and I met for coffee and to review the paper for his Early Byzantine Empire class. For those that don't know Ivan is from Spain and is studying in the history grad program at U of I for one semester. He and I met at the gym. This young man is blessed by God with a brilliant mind. He speaks three or four different languages and reads six - including Greek and Latin. Ivan also enjoys studying biology, philosophy and environmental science. He's been coming to the Numbers study and attending some of the IV events. Tonight he told me that he picked up a 16th century Spanish-catholic Bible - he prefers the classic style of writing. I offered to find him a newer translation, but he doesn't want a new one. Ivan has a large, close family back and Spain, but hopes to continue his studies at Illinois next fall.

I'm writing about my friendship with Ivan in response to an email my mom wrote me. She asked if there were some experiences in my past where I had cried out to God "I can't see without you! Help me see!" The prayer over the last year went something like this... "God, I know that you've allowed me to taste the depths of great sovereignty over creation and salvation, please apply it to my life! Help me love others and see them the way you do." Over the summer and into this school year that prayer is being answered. Although my vision is still quite fuzzy, I'm sure that God has given everyone gifts and qualities to be used in worshiping Him and building the kingdom. The post about Mo and Hobab testifies to this. For those in my life, from Ivan and all of my friends to my family, including my Dad, I'll continue to encourage them to consider their bodies as a blessing from God, turning to Him with thankful worship and complete reliance upon Jesus.

Believe that Jesus is the incarnate son of God. Believe that he suffered and died at the hands of the Jews and Romans for the complete forgiveness of sins. Believe that Jesus was resurected from the dead. Believe that you are now empowered to worship God through the strength God gives through His Spirit. Believe, and therefore live.

I need to hear this every day. And so do all of you.


At 7:36 PM, Blogger Kristen Marie said...

thanks so much for all the encouraging posts...i have really needed it.
much love to you,

At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, it's nice to see your face and that you are doing so well. I'm proud, and you are blessed.

At 4:58 AM, Blogger PB&K said...

Kristen! I need to call you! I miss you, too. I'm really (I can't put enough emphasis on the really) looking forward to Thanksgiving and being able to spend time with you and Casie and the bunch.

It's time to press in hard, both with studies and spiritually. My schedule gets busier by the day.

At 4:59 AM, Blogger PB&K said...

Leslie! Great to see your comment and hear from you. I wouldn't be the person I am today without God having brought you in my life earlier on. So, thank you!


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