Saturday, September 10, 2005

Same Same But Different

It has been a busy week and I'm sure that many of you agree. Some great conversation stand out as I look back over the last few days: Zahra, an office mate from Iran, and I talked about Islamic worship. Zahra asked if she and her husband could go to church with me. Of course I said yes, but now I just need to find a good church! Tessa, a lab assistant and I talked significantly about the grad school application process. I hope that what I said helped, but the process is much different for those at large universities. My profs spent ample time helping me apply and writing/proofing letters for me.

More events from the week:

Monday night I watched a biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer with some friends. For those of you who don't know. Bonhoeffer was a German evangelical theologian and teacher during WWII. He was primarily responsible for leading the in-country resistance movement against the Nazis. The Nazi party was obliterating the Jews and politically influencing evangelicals against helping the victims. Bonhoeffer wouldn't stand for this. As a result, he was placed in a prison, along with his cousin. The resistance came very close to excecuting Hitler, and as a result Bonhoeffer and his friends in prison were all hung. Surely, a cause worth fighting for - the glory of God in grace and love given to those who do not deserve it.

Thursday evening we had Bible study. It was way cool. I'm interested to see the story of redemptive histroy as recorded in Numbers.

Last night we had I.V. large group. Our speaker was a cognitive music thoery proffessor from Northwestern. He had many good things about what it means to research and be "creative" in your field of study. I think the message will be on the internet and I'll try to post a link for it. Also, if you would like copies of the handout he gave us I should be able to provide that, as well. After LG, some of the guys came over to my house and talked. Much fun!

Today I'm starting some homework and plan to go fishing in the evening.

Also, a band worth checking out: Over the Rhine


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