Friday, September 02, 2005

Ain't no reason not to eat raisins and pineapple

I've been eatin' raisins all day long for two days now. They a wonderful treat! Have you ever considered savoring the little brown, sweet, wrinkled, juicy fruits? And they fill ya up, too! What a wonderful combination!

I forgot to post yesterday that I packed my lunch so I could eat in between classes. It was a lunch of champions: a cheese sandwich and a big can of pineapple. I didn't have a hard time eating the sandwich, but the pineapple was a different story. So, I definantly forgot to bring any utensils. I resulted to trying to my chop stick skills that I learned while Thailand. I'm positive this would have worked had my chop sticks not been plastic coffee stirrers. I finally found some partial victory, though! If you jab at the yellow fruit hard enough the coffe stirrers can be used as skewers. This works for about half the can, until the stirrers are too short and beat up to reach down to the bottom. Why did I not just tip the can up and eat directly from it??? Well, I didn't want to gross out my office mates. Giving up on the chop stick idea, I did finally resort to my animal side and ate out of the can, but not after finding a secluded corner to do it in.

Okay, okay, okay - as Blake would say. I'm done.

Here is a link to my photobucket site. I'm going to try to post more photos soon:

Oh, it's been an awesome day! and Jesus Rocks!


At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA HA HA!!! I can just see you trying to secretly eat your pinapples...much like smuggling pop in the library :) miss you


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