Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bipolar weather

The joke around CA is that being a weatherman is the easiest job around. "Tomorrow it will be sunny with a high of 75. The following day will be sunny with a high of 75..." You get the picture.

On Kindel's birthday (a couple of weeks ago) we watched the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. It was cold. The howling winds made it feel mighty chilly, but the temp was probably a meger 55 degrees. Nonetheless, we were bundled up and covered with a blanket.

Two days ago, it was hot (i.e. 100 degrees F). Our apartment doesn't have air conditioning, but we've come up with a few ways to stay cool. They include swimming in our complex' pool, spraying ourselves with water and standing in front of a fan, drinking ice-cold Sprite and water, and minimizing our work in kitchen during the day and early evening.

While we haven't really suffered as a result of the heat, our butter has.

On another note, check out this exciting new book in the world of soil science:
I guess there's a whole field dedicated to studying soil science for the sake of forensic analysis. Who would of thought?